Find apps and softwares


Sharing big files


Improving your browser

Testing your browser fingerprint unicity:

  • Am I unique
  • panopticlick
  • (but couldn't find it in fact, a map to explain visually all 3rd parties getting infos from you when you use some websites)

Firefox addons:

Android apps

  • F-Droid, an app store that proposes only free and open source applications.
  • K9 mail, available in F-Droid, a mail client compatible with most email providers.
  • Password-store, a password manager compatible with pass (see below in the "Password managers" section).
  • Blokada, an app to prevent your phone from connecting to sites you don't want to allow.
  • If you want to install Signal or Firefox and get automatic updates, you can install it through F-Droid. To do so, you will need to and an extra F-Droid repository. To do so:
    • Open F-droid, go to settings –> Repositories and then add (via the plus "+" button on the top-right corner) the following custom list in the repository address field: (just type this text in)
    • Then go back to F-Droid and swipe down to trigger the refreshing of the app list, you can now find signal and firefox in the list.


  • Gnupg, Veracrypt (for files)
  • LUKS (for whole disk, the easiest way is to set it up when installing your system)

Password managers: