What computer/phone to buy/get


  • Ordi-solidaire, second hand computer with linux preinstalled (France)
  • Framework, computers with linux installed designed to be repairable and DIY
  • System76, computers with linux installed that should be fairly repairable
  • Purism, fairly expensive privacy focused computers
  • Pine64, very cheap computers (with ARM CPU)
  • MNT Reform, "The Ultimate Open Hardware Laptop", very clunky, very expensive, very geeky, but highly repairable
  • LaptopWithLinux, computer with linux preinstalled
  • ubuntushop.be, laptops and desktop computers with linux preinstalled
  • commown

If you're very concerned about global surveillance, use a computer without processor backdoor == no Intel Management Engine == before 2007. You can buy some here.

